Call On Me.

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I’m in San Francisco, for short project, this week. On some downtime, I told Florian that in my next place I live, I want to get a landline, a real copper wire one, not VOIP. He turned and said he completely agreed.

Every so often, I think about the days when I enjoyed talking on the phone.  When I lived in Seattle in the 90s after college, I would call people in New York or where ever the landed.  There were several people I would call a couple of times a month, for conversations over half an hour on a crystal clear and reliable landline connection. These calls were a rich and valued experience. These days, mobile phones and VOIP are a constant battle. Having a telephone call where both sides are clear and audible seem like a victory instead of the standard.

Rates on mobiles are cheaper, but I wonder if there will be a return back to landlines for their reliable service and clear conntections.

Is part of the reason I SMS more now because talking on the mobile phones is often a futile exercise of shouting, deciphering lost syllables, and walking around looking for the best signal?

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2 Responses to Call On Me.

  1. Yen says:

    Here! Here! Landlines rock. And what about businesses, most of them are still locked into landlines.

  2. Ray says:

    That might be true, but a lot of small business are moving to VOIP as well, and service can be spotty and the costs are rising to about the same of landlines.

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