Category Archives: innovation

Graphing hacks and innovation

The Apple developer’s kit for the iPhone and the Google phone is getting a lot discussion in the press. They are just two examples of that “innovation” has been getting attention recently. Despite all the discussion on innovation, I don’t … Continue reading

Posted in innovation | 2 Comments

finally… third party applications for the iPhone

After months of complaints since the launch of the iPhone, Apple just announced the a Software Developer’s Kit will be released in February. Mac Rumors noted that the letter from Jobs suggested that they might use a digital signature to … Continue reading

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Pay what you want Radiohead album (the REMIX)

So, I downloaded the album, which I paid $USD6. Frankly, for what is being reported as the death of the record label, it was a little anti-climatic. That is, I paid for a album over the internet that I could … Continue reading

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Pay what you want Radiohead album

Image source: In Rainbows Way back in 1999, Public Enemy released “There’s a Poison Goin’ On” only on the internet, with indie label Atomic Pop. After sluggish sales, they eventually sold a CD version as well. I applauded PE for … Continue reading

Posted in innovation, marketing, networks | 1 Comment

Just wondering, if the new ajax is…

the facebook app. Will I still care about facebook in six months?

Posted in innovation | 4 Comments

Repetual Underdogs Innovation Cycle

Image soure: wikipedia Americans love the underdog. Remember when seven years ago Google was a small startup, founded two smart guys from Standford? We has the same warm and fuzzy feelings about Microsoft in the 80s, when Bill Gates was … Continue reading

Posted in innovation | 3 Comments

Nokia give the N-Gage another go

Image source: New York Times reported that Nokia is priming a relaunch of the N-Gage after two failed attempts at providing a portable phone and gaming platform. Following two attempts to market the N-Gage in 2003 and 2004, Nokia … Continue reading

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Battle of the Social Networking Sites: Facebook Versus MySpace

Image source: flickr I’ve recently been poking around in Facebook fairly frequently. It helps that I got a handful of invites, as friends migrated from MySpace to Facebook, and used the email addressbook suckers to contact me. Noah recently posted … Continue reading

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The Bourne Redundancy

Image source: Currently, a campaign for the new book in the Jason Bourne series is plastered on many of New York’s subways. The timing of course coincides with the latest movie of the third novel starring Matt Damon. As … Continue reading

Posted in innovation, ip, marketing | 1 Comment

Breaking news in 2005: Google buys dark fiber, builds data center, to create its own Internet

Image source: John Hoffmann’s Weblog I’m back from a short trip to the beach, only to return to a massive thunder storms which lead to an extra long commute due to flooding and the sweet smell of raw sewage in … Continue reading

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