Category Archives: telecommunications
March onward for media consolidation continues…
Kevin Martin, chairman of the FCC just released a plan proposing to allow for more consolidation of the media industry, by relaxing the rules governing media ownership. The biggest move would be to remove the prohibition of owning a newspaper … Continue reading
finally… third party applications for the iPhone
After months of complaints since the launch of the iPhone, Apple just announced the a Software Developer’s Kit will be released in February. Mac Rumors noted that the letter from Jobs suggested that they might use a digital signature to … Continue reading
Back and away.
OK, so I’m back from Berlin and Munich, but still behind on post. Right now, I’m in DC attending the Telecommunications Policy Research Conference… Should be interesting.
Tidbit #2: Cellphone users out number landline users
The threshold everyone in telecom was waiting for, looks like to have arrived, as mobile users overtake landline users. Mediamark Research Inc. announced the results of a study, finding that 84.5% of people surveyed have landlines in their homes, while … Continue reading
A little cross posting: flow article on Kevin Martin and the FCC
Image source: I got a little behind writing here the last week, because my spare time writing was taken up by finishing my flow column on Kevin Martin, the chairperson of the FCC. It’s up, so I thought I’d … Continue reading
Nokia give the N-Gage another go
Image source: New York Times reported that Nokia is priming a relaunch of the N-Gage after two failed attempts at providing a portable phone and gaming platform. Following two attempts to market the N-Gage in 2003 and 2004, Nokia … Continue reading
Carrier growing pains
I’m back from San Francisco and ready to post. More posts will be coming, but here on my two cents on AT&T’s censoring of anti-Bush lyrics during a webcast of a Pearl Jam performance that they hosted. AT&T shifted blame … Continue reading
Breaking news in 2005: Google buys dark fiber, builds data center, to create its own Internet
Image source: John Hoffmann’s Weblog I’m back from a short trip to the beach, only to return to a massive thunder storms which lead to an extra long commute due to flooding and the sweet smell of raw sewage in … Continue reading
What’s it all about, Wi-Fi?
Images source: With all this Google and spectrum talk swirling the internet and news media, I keep coming back to Wi-Fi as a good way to contextualizing the importance of having open networks and services, as well as open … Continue reading
Google gets 2 out of 4
Just a quick post on the upcoming 700MHz spectrum. Yesterday, FCC released guidelines on the auction. Google was pressing for 4 points on its policy blog: * Open applications: consumers should be able to download and utilize any software applications, … Continue reading